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Friday, April 10, 2015

Inspiring Quotes From John Kehoe

John Kehoe
John Kehoe
John Kehoe is the author of Mind Power Into the 21st Century. Most of his inspiring quotes talk about Mind Power.

Here are some of his inspiring quotes :

You are living simultaneously in two worlds, two realities: the inner reality of your thoughts, emotions and attitudes, and the outer reality of people, places, things and events. Because we fail to separate these Inner and Outer worlds, we allow ourselves to become dominated by the Outer world of appearances, and we use the Inner world solely as a 'mirror' for whatever happens to us. Our Inner world reacts constantly and because we spend all of our time simply reacting, we never experience our power. Ironically, you begin changing your reality the day, the hour, the minute you cease constantly reacting to it.

We might be far more willing to learn how to use our mental mechanisms if we imagined for a moment that for every thought we either gained a dollar or lost a dollar, depending on the type of thought. Considering we think thousands of thoughts every day, this is quite a proposition. Imagine an accounting system noting our every thought and recording which ones gained us money and which ones lost us money. How diligent we would be in controlling and directing our thoughts! How enthusiastically we would create those thoughts which made us money, and how carefully we would avoid those which cost us money.

Negatives only have power over you when you react to them

The pharmaceutical industry has made a commitment, ... If they don't keep their commitment, then that's another story. But I think if they spend as much money as they're doing on this campaign, they'll keep the commitment.

They never took a family vacation.

We need drug protection now -- not at some time in the future after the courts get through kicking it around."

We need to remind ourselves that many pleasurable moments exist each day in our life. Understanding this, we make a decision to start noticing them. We take a few seconds here, a moment there, to stop and appreciate the small joys and beauty in our lives. And far from it being a chore, we find ourselves refreshed by this simple practice.

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