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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Future Technology Predictions : Traveling

Many people imagine and create technology through science fiction movies. Some of the technology that made also with regard to the future of the travel world. Not impossible, if one day the term "Travel Around the World" will be replaced with "Travel Around the Universe!"

Here are 10 future technology predictions in traveling.

1. Space Tourism

Future Technology Predictions : Traveling
Space Tourims

Who is the first space tourist? His name is Dennis Tito, a businessman who paid US $ 20 million to join the Russian mission at the International Space Station in 2001. Since then, the potential of space tourism slowly visible.
XCOR Aerospace, Space Adventures, and the most famous is Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic is a company that will be presenting some space tourism. Currently, they have received a reservation for a sub-orbital flight.

2. Modern Passport

Future Technology Predictions : Traveling
Modern Passport
In the future, perhaps the phrase "May I see your passport?" who asked by airport officials would not you hear again. Passport that you have today, with electronic chips and storage of biometric data, will be "old-fashioned" in the future.
Later, around the traveler in the world will use a special ID that replaces the function of a passport. Just swipe a special machine, and all your data is recorded there. The concept of modern passport is already practiced in some countries like the US, UK, Singapore, Hong Kong.

3. Flying Car

Future Technology Predictions : Traveling
Flying Car

In the future, perhaps the term "road trips" would turn into "air trips". US-based company, Terrafugia creates flying car called the Transition. The shape is somewhat unique because of a combination of cars and planes!

4. Space Hotel

Future Technology Predictions : Traveling
Space Hotel

If you want to travel into space, you would need a hotel to stay, right? Russian company Orbital Technologies that will make space hotel aka Commercial Space Station. It is considered possible considering of the International Space Station, which was already "a home" in space.

5. Pilotless Aircraft

Future Technology Predictions : Traveling
Pilotless Aircraft

Train without a machinist, you've probably heard before. There have been in several countries, like Japan. But, what about the plane without a pilot?
Researchers from Australia suggests, if there is only one public transport without a rider (driver / machinist), this phenomenon will affect the other means of transportation. They predicted the pilotless aircraft can be found next 50 years!

6. Online Duty Free Shop

Future Technology Predictions : Traveling
Online Duty Free Shop

Say 'goodbye' to shopping agenda at the airport. CAP research firm Strategic Research predicts, in a few years will no longer be shopping agenda at the airport.
The entire Duty Free Shops will be accessible via the Internet. Passengers just choose items they like, buy it online, and then the goods are delivered to their destinations. As can gift when you arrive at your destination!

7. Elevator Into Space

Future Technology Predictions : Traveling
Elevator Into Space

After the flight and the hotel, there will be an elevator into space. A Japanese company, Obayashi Corporation, plans to make elevators along 36,000 miles through the atmosphere of the earth!
The elevators can accommodate 30 people at once. The passengers will be taken at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour and stop at a certain height for a panoramic view of space. Elevator is planned to be made in 2050.

8. Bio Fueled Aircraft

Future Technology Predictions : Traveling
Bio-Fueled Aircraft

When traveling by plane, carbon emissions becomes the most polluting. No wonder some of the aviation industry to make their products "go green", by adding bio fuel into their gas tank.
This has been done by some airlines such as Etihad, Lufthansa, and KLM.

9. Transparent Roof Plane

Future Technology Predictions : Traveling
Transparent Roof Plane

Aviation world was in an uproar because Airbrush design drawings for aircraft in 2050. This design includes a roof section plane is made transparent, so that the passengers on the upper deck could see the sky that lies directly in front of them.

10. Train as a major transportation in the future

Future Technology Predictions : Traveling
Train as a major transportation in the future

Currently, the aircraft is a favorite means of transportation, including for traveling. But, it's not impossible that the classical transport train will be a strong competitor for aircraft.
Maglev (Magnetic Levitation) is a future train traveling at 580 km/h. In addition to the European countries, the Maglev also exist in some Asian cities such as Shanghai (China) and Yamanashi (Japan).

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