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Saturday, March 7, 2015

3 Reasons Why Failure is Necessary

3 Reasons Why Failure is Necessary

Have you have a failure? Not one, maybe? Many failures? When you want reach a goal, and it is almost there, you have a failure.
Failure is undeniable a bad thing. But, who wants to fall in the cliff when you have found a bridge?

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
― Winston S. Churchill

Why is failure necessary? Why our lives go as easy as possible? Although it is bitter, sometimes we have to have failures. Here are the reasons:

Failure : To Appreciate Lives

Failure : To Appreciate Lives

If everything can you achieve easily, you would be an arrogant guy. Feeling that you are the most magnificent guy. You would underestimate many things. You have to appreciate a life. We have to live lively. And from a failure you would learn many things, you would think, rearrange your life, and find a better way to be a helpful man/woman.

Failure : Not falling in the same hole

Failure : Not falling in the same hole

When you have a failure, you know where is the hole. A failure is a sign for us that there is something we have to improve in our life. And finally we would find the best one. The best way to achieve our goal.

Failure : Excavating Your Buried Talent

When we have falling down, we often find something in our-self. And we rarely realize about the potency before the failure has come. If you haven't have a failure, you wouldn't find it. A failure is an ammunition to draw your reality. You as you are.

There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure. 
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

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